Index seminum et sporarum 2016 edition dedicated to the anniversary of 200 years from the birth of professor anastasie fatu and celebration of 160 years since the foundation of the first botanical garden from romanian principalities. Please note that additional collection information on all index seminum offerings and on all other taxa currently present in the gardens living collection can be found on the living. Requests for seedscuttings should be sent before 1st of april 2017 inscriptio vostra your address. We strive to eliminate species from our index seminum that have traits that are known to be invasive. Our catalogue is now available online and orders can be placed from 15 january 2020 until 1 october 2020. Ubc botanical garden index seminum 2020 have a question. Nomenclature the nomenclature in the index seminum is mainly based on.
Desiderata orders can be placed online, by mail and email until 2016 0314. Index seminum represents the list of seeds offered for exchange to botanical gardens and institutes. Against the background of the provisions and decisions of the convention on biological diversity cbd and in particular those on access to genetic resources and benefitsharing, the hortus botanicus amsterdam is dedicated to promoting the conservation, sustainable use, and research of biological diversity. Species that are known weeds in disturbed areas in north america, known to be invasive to north america or other continents, and related species known to be invasive to north. This manuscript is the outcome of a workshop on july 9th, 2015, at the european botanic gardens congress eurogard vii in paris, where the first two authors invited members of the botanic garden community to discuss how the anachronistic index seminum can be transformed into an improved and modern tool for seed exchange.
Missouri botanical garden is pleased to offer its eighth annual index seminum. The nomenclature in the index seminum is mainly based on. Index seminum annis 2016 et 2015 collectorum ebgconsortiumindexseminum2016. Novenytani tanszek, soroksari botanikus kert institutum botanicum, hortus botanicus soroksarensis index seminum 2016. Index seminum 20162017 ing dana stadnikova, goncarenkova 40, praha 4 branik, 147 00 czech republic. The first page of the first plant catalogue published by the hortus in 1646, eight years the first index seminum of hortus botanicus amsterdam was published in 1804 by gerard vrolik.
Seeds from the index seminum are not for sale, but are available on an exchange basis exclusively for scientific, educational and nature conservation purposes. Nordland, donna, smaholman close to skagalandet, 2 10 m, 66. Index seminum 2020, hortus botanicus amsterdam, netherlands. I n d e x s e m i n u m 2 0 1 6 vilniaus universitetas. Index seminum 20182019 northampton, massachusetts 01063 usa the botanic garden of smith college comprises a campuswide arboretum, specialty gardens, and a conservatory. All seed is collected from naturally occurring populations. It takes only about 10 to 15 minutes by car to reach pruhonice. The ubc botanical garden index seminum, or seed list, is published biennially. Desiderata are currently being accepted for the 2020 index seminum. Edition dedicated to the anniversary of 200 years from the birth of professor anastasie fatu and celebration of 160 years since the foundation of the first botanical garden from romanian principalities. Hortus botanicus universitatis comenianae botanicka 3 841 04 bratislava slovakia email. Index seminum n9 2016 botanical garden for study and exhibition of asian plants jardin botanique armand david c. Seeds of change 334 verion f ecord taxon 65 2 april 2016.
The rockgarden club prague presents the index seminum 2016 2017, a list of seeds offered for exchange by the members of our club. How we measure reads a read is counted each time someone views a. Love parade xx0zavrt12650 ex bg zagreb, croatia 25. Orders can be placed online, by email or by mail until 2016 0331. Index seminum et sporarum a yearly publication, journal of plant development a yearly publication, and flora moldaviae et dobrogeae exsiccata a periodically publication. Material from the index seminum are not for sale, but are available on an exchange basis exclusively for scientific, educational and nature conservation purposes. In 2016, denver botanic gardens unveiled three new gardens including an expanded area for the sensory garden and horticulture therapy programming, an allamerica selections garden and the steppe garden. Index seminum 2017 seeds collected in 2017 from openpollinated plants grown in chelsea physic garden. Information on the incorrect determination of seeds supplied will be appreciated. The seed exchange 20152016 the rockgarden club prague presents the index seminum 20152016, a list of seeds offered for exchange by the members of our club.
Index seminum ringve botanical garden ntnu university. Index seminum 2019 vrt zdravilnih in aromaticnih rastlin. Box 3000, fi90014 university of oulu, finland email. Index seminum 2019 botanical garden natural history museum, oslo norway each order is limited to 50 numbers orders can be placed until 20190315 contact. In response to the international convention on biological diversity, the seeds are supplied to other botanical gardens and research institutions on the following conditions. Pruhonice is a village located on the southeastern edge of the city of prague. The orders will be dispatched according to the availability of seeds.
I also go on collecting trips to obtain seeds and plants from the wild. Index seminum 2016 anno 2016 collectorum desiderata 2017 botanischer garten universitat duisburgessen. Safarik university botanical garden, manesova 23 sk043 52 kosice, slovak republictel. Index seminum hortus botanicus amsterdam, netherlands. Click on the link to download the index seminum of the botanical garden of the university of latvia, year 20192020. Seed collection and distribution by the garden staff and volunteers. Please read the terms and conditions below before placing an order. Index seminum 2018 botanical garden natural history museum, oslo norway each order is limited to 50 numbers orders can be placed until 20180301 contact. Sogn og fjordane, aurland, southwest side of reinungavatnet. Some plants we receive as donations from local alpine plant growers, some we purchase from speciality nurseries. Index seminum botanical garden natural history museum. If you requested seeds last year, please answer the following questions and return with this years selec. Asteraceae 56 berkheya purpurea, h, rosette forming, thistle like leaves, daisy like mauve. Species that are known weeds in disturbed areas in north america, known to be invasive to.
Botanical garden for study and exhibition of asian plants. Index seminum 2016 head of the botanic garden in lodz dr dorota mankowska curator of the seed collection mgr aleksandra rosochacka hortus botanicus lodziensis index seminum 2016. The steppe garden displays plants from the steppe regions of patagonia, central asia, south africa and central north america. Index seminum 2016 arboretum and botanical gardens university of bergen norway. Index seminum 2016 all seeds collected in the university gardens at frederiksberg, faculty of science are results of open pollination and neither purity nor germination is guaranteed. Page 2 of 6 introduction the dawes arboretum bgci code. It takes only about 10 to 15 minutes by car to reach pruhonice from the centre of prague. Index seminum 2019 botanical garden natural history museum, oslo norway each order is limited to 50 numbers orders can be placed until 20190315. Index seminum 2019 pdf klikskiniet uz hipersaiti, lai lejupieladetu 2019. Information about index seminum seeds were collected in 2016 seeds were collected in 2015 explanation of the index seminum.
In these over 56 years of the garden development on this site, much has been done for. This year, as before, a great number of contributors from abroad have participated in our seed exchange. Index seminum 2020, gothenburg botanical garden, sweden. Seeds of change for seed exchange article pdf available. Index seminum 2017 arboretum and botanical gardens. The seeds are offered to other botanical gardens, arboreta and similar scientific institutions. Seed collection and preparation gardeners apprentice jesper kring sorensen gardeners apprentice jonas david keller gardeners labourer pia maud dahlin. However, the source for most of our plants is an inkind, international seed swap between botanical gardens called index seminum.
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